Huwebes, Marso 7, 2019



                 Fourth Quarter is so very interesting cause’ we will learn how to create or formulate a creation or art using Photoshop. I learned how to use different tools and their respective functions. I'll be straight to the point, it’s hard and It’s was confusing in editing cause’ they are so many tools, transition and layers to make a masterpiece. Difficulties in learning the steps or procedures but I’m eager to learn so still I’ll able to overcome this difficulties and managed and well-concentrated on what I’m doing in order  to make the final output which is all about the promoting our school. Well in fact, it'll be develop our editing skills and your patience would be tested in this kind of task and this will be needed when we moved up to another year level and in the near future. 


Follow your dreams


      My goal in my life is to finish school and graduate as a military officer and become successful and to reach my dreams in life. All of us have dreams or plans right? .My dream is to make my parents proud of me and give my own family a best life that they deserve. And i will do everything and do my best to achieve and make my plans possible. 

     Everyone has ambition or dreams. My dream is to give them everything and give my parents everything they deserve and to pay back for all the sacrifices they made just for me in order to reach my dream. I will do my very best to accomplish my goals in life. I want to discover new things about my personality and be matured enough in communicating, improving the connection to everyone and how properly deal with the problem. We must face the challenges that come along to our way. Make our weaknesses to become our strengths. And apply our experiences to overcome to our struggles in life. Cause’ experience is the best teacher, and the worst experiences teach the best lessons.

    "Every great dream begins with a dreamer”.  Always remember, you have within you the potential, the patience, being determined, full of confidence, supportive family and the passion to strive hard in order to reach your goals in life. Every child or a person is a dreamer”. All of us have dreams and plans. But we all experiencing downfall and struggles in pursuing our dreams but the important is how we manage, deal with the problem and find a concrete solution. With those who have a great dreams have more courage to conquer your weaknesses  and  have the perseverance to reach  our dreams come true, that's why we’re called a dreamer. “Live your values, pursue your dreams, and Follow your passion”. It implies the best way we must do to have a better future we could possibly have.

Miyerkules, Marso 6, 2019

117th Foundation Day Celebration

          Foundation day, the most awaited and the busiest occasion celebrated in the school. It is the time to commemorate the birth of the school. Ilocos Sur National High School recently celebrated its 117th Foundation Day on March 1-2, 2019. The event lasted for two days. There is a great deal of hurried activities, boundless excitement and anticipation that awaits the participants for the event. Students are thrilled to participate in different activities. Even those who are not actively participating in the event are elated to have a field day, not having classes, just chilling and enjoying fun-filled day at school.
        The different activities in store for the students are highly anticipated. Long rehearsals are done to master the pieces to be presented, if not showcased in perfection. The highlight of the event is the field demonstration in which all grade levels will perform their dances according to genres or themes and the parade is also greatly awaited. Everyone is excited and rooting for their own bet on which team deserves the title in the field demonstration and the coronation of the 9th Prince' s and Princesses and the King and Queen held at the Centennial Gymnasium of the school is also greatly awaited and students participates and watch the coronation.

          At the program closes with acknowledgment of all the participants of the event and extending gratitude to the stakeholders of the school and they announced the winner on the field demonstration and both grade 8 girls and 8 boys have been awarded champion as the best performers of every grade level.  Finally, everyone goes home saying goodbye to each other.


                             Fourth Quarter is so very interesting cause’ we will learn how to create or formulate a creation or...