Biyernes, Pebrero 15, 2019

Kannawidan Festival


       It is a celebration that lasts from the last week of January up to the first week of February. Included in the course of events is the commemoration of the foundation day of the province. Kannawidan is a type of festivity in which the City of Vigan rejoices every year. In this celebration, the Ylocano people showcase or present cultural shows, native products and talents of the Ilocanos.

        On the opening day, there is usually a mass held at the St. Paul Metropolitan Cathedral. It is followed by a procession of the Patron Saints of the 40 parishes and images of Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary around the city. It is the Ilocanos' way of giving thanks to the Almighty not only for the bountiful blessings but also for the rich heritage of the city, including the close family ties among the Ilocanos. This event showcases the deep-rooted religiosity of the townsfolk.


        Kannawidan Festival, a week-long celebration that celebrates and preserves stunning culture, customs and tradition of Ilocanos. During this festival, different activities are held. These activities include different competition such as quiz bees, essay writing, painting and many more. Kannawidan is fun and entertaining because it has competition, pageants, promotes gender equality and support lgbtq and provides quality entertainment for the viewers. Not just that, it has its own carnival to play with and a big food court with a lot of food to choose from that you will love it.

        This is such a great and prestigious event for all the Ilocanos. Because this is the time to reminisce about our past, our culture and to treasure it for this is our identity.  Every year is always a new celebration, a new experience that you never get bored of joining in every event. This says a lot about the Ilocanos' behaviour on being really festive people and the hospitality of people living in this municipality.


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Sabado, Pebrero 9, 2019

Change Starts with Me

      Change is the only thing permanent in this world. It is the only thing that is continuous in an individual’s life. They have the ability to develop, to enhance, and to change. Although as that would be the case, a lot of people still don't contribute to this change, they enjoy doing nothing rather than hard work. We have many problems and challenges that we conquer in our daily lives But how can we change the world in our own betterment as an individual? You cannot change the world by just saying it, it must start within you and do the small things that you think that would help to spread to one another the information and good doings that you did towards others. 

     Before you change someone, you must do the change within first yourself. You must show to everyone that you can be an example of change and influence them to follow and support the advocacies and plan in order to have a better place to live. In this simple doings that you are implemented towards others you can make a change. And maybe people might get inspired to change themselves for the better and not long the world will change for the better too.  And the very best you can do just what I said is to spread change is to show it to everyone, convey them that you have changed, manifest them that if can change yourself they can change too. 

 Change starts with every individual right? In conclusion, changing the world or just the people always starts with ourselves because people have worries on what they don't understand and they don't know what  is the true essence of change, that's why you have to do the change first and let them understand what is change really is. That is why “change starts with me”. A common phrase heard everywhere and if it’s taken out of context, people know the meaning but they don’t understand the significant message of the quote. We must exert effort and significance into the said change and be united, have the perfect cooperation to one another to perform this change.

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New Year, New Me?

             When the new year comes around it seems like the perfect time for self-improvement. Even though I’ve always failed my New Year’s resolutions, every year I promise that this time will be different or make some adjustments  for my own betterment. I’ve tried everything from being a responsible student to starting my homework earlier to giving up social media. It is a fact that everything change, the only permanent process in this world is change. Life would always an end to exist, but in turn a new life is born. Change made us to overthink off, and is sometimes frightening for most individual.
  People lean to get frightened because of changes, probably because they've been enjoying their lives so far and want it to pursue or continue being stable. However, there are also people who are waiting for change to come, possibly because they've faced difficulties or challenges consistently in their daily routine as an individual. Change is subjective, we all know that people commit change for their own betterment not for the worse, the only defining trait of a person is how he express him/herself. Change is unpredictable, change is unavoidable and change is not inescapable, but change is not bad if people change for the good. Change is unpreventable and unpredictable we cannot determine what will happen now, tomorrow or in our future. So, we must spend our time critically and wisely as the change comes along in our way. It’s a new year, so why not begin with a new me if I can right?  Maybe it’s my time and chance to finally reach the good circumstances in my life that I’ve been longing for, a chance to forgive or ask for forgiveness to those sins the I committed to others and to start creating or rebuilding myself to be the better version of myself that i can be. I will continue or pursue my goals in life and if i feel that I’m still away from that goals I will strive for it the best i can in order to reach the star that i been longing for.
      Several people may undergo many struggles in life that they needed to have change in order to have an accurate and good result that they want to be. I want to develop myself and be better version of me and strive to look for the goodness in me. We aren't contented towards ourselves, so that we perform some changes to call the attention to those people we want to interact with. We don’t need to change for other people, but we commit changes for our own betterment.

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