Linggo, Oktubre 21, 2018

Reflection: 2nd quarter

In this quarter, i learned all about internet access and how to use HTML well. Actually, the lesson about HTML  took my attention and this was my favorite part in this quarter. HTML tags have an important role in the internet because these different tags are being used in making web design. In this lesson, we create also our own web designs using the note pad. At first it was easy but as we  continued further in our lesson, it became more difficult. The tags to be applied in making web design became  complicated and i had difficulty to understand these tags that aren't familiar to me. Listening to our teacher's discussion, through hardwork and patience,  we managed to do all task succesfully that have given to us by our teacher. Now, these learnings  that i've gain in this quarter will give me a chance to improve my skills in creating prestigious web design.

Sabado, Oktubre 20, 2018

United Nation Celebration Month

                                                                               Rise up

   Many people around the world have been experience poverty, violence, discrimination and etc. They do not value and doesn’t care about each dignity. Some countries with poor economy doesn’t know about this kind of issue because of lack of access on what happening around them and to mobile world.
     Poverty is one the reason why this people commit crimes and being forced to find a job at a young age in order to provide for their daily needs and to survive also. Violence, some people experience violence, specifically women and children. These children abused by his/her parents and people around him. Women are forced and experiences sexual abused commit by his/her employer especially people were working abroad. Many people who are in poverty line experiences discrimination and physical or mental bullying because of their physical appearance, mental/ physical disorders and how he/she deal with people surrounds him/her.
      This problems/ typical issue connected this year theme: United Nation Celebration. “Coming together with furthest behind build an inclusive world of universal right and dignity.”
      This theme tells on how countries unite in order to solve this particular problem/ an issue. We are all part of this world each of us have our own rights and dignity so we must fight this issue especially on the justice system inequality in our country. Let us work together to help address those issue and countries who are experiencing this problem to support and help them to rise their economy.

Teacher's Day Celebration Month

                                                                       My teacher My hero

   As we all know that our teachers play a great and most significant role in our lives. Teachers are also known as our 2nd mother because they give their very best and enough care to his/her students in order to deliver needed information on their minds. She/he can do his/her duties properly as our teacher. We love our teachers because of their friendly attitude, good in teaching and they make this lessons look-easy to understand well by his/her students. They help us to improve our existing knowledge, skill level   and build our confidence as well. They shape/ guide us on the right path in order to reach our goals/ dreams in our lives. We all as an obedient student need to do a pleasant welcome and say wishful tanks for their selfless service and unconditional love that they gave to us. Greet them now and don’t forget to thank them for all their efforts and sacrifices, hardworking, and selfless love.

Science Month Celebration

                                                                        Science is Revolutionary

 Science is revolutionary in nature. Science make our lives not too much complicated anymore  because of science technology occurred. As time passes, our technology continue to improve, develop, new inventions were formed and more advanced. Our surroundings was had application of science our appliances is one of the product of science. Electromagnetism performed an important role in our daily routine. This electromagnet exist in our appliances, motors, generators, this also used in medicine equipment and etc. Science also the reason why heavenly and celestial bodies, planets, asteroids, and genes where discovered. Electromagnetism is important on scientific and technological applications. Electromagnetism creates revolution as well, not only in field of engineering but also in the field of construction and medicine. This electromagnetism is one of the many contributions of science in our daily routine. Science changes the world.


                             Fourth Quarter is so very interesting cause’ we will learn how to create or formulate a creation or...