Martes, Hulyo 31, 2018

Proper nutrition for a better future

      Nutrition it indicates how healthy a person is. Well balanced diet combined with proper exercise will lead you to have a proper nutrition that your body needs in your everyday life. Nutrition is a process of  obtaining a food that is good for our heath and help you to reach your proper growth. Why Nutrition Month is important to us? What are the healthy benefits  that can give to us if we join a particular activity in the celebration of nutrition month?What is the importance to have a body that is healthy?

      According to World Health Organization, Nutrition is the intake of food considered in the relation to the body's dietary needs. Nutrition is the month that are full of activities that are related to our health. As a student, i must join an activity that is good in my health, usually in the celebration of nutrition month because it gives me an idea how i conduct properly or balance the food that i eat and it gives me also a proper knowledge about a particular food if it is good or bad to my body circulation. Proper intake of food help our immune system to fight or avoid from such diseases that can ruined your life or your body. We all know some people mostly hates vegetable because of the taste of it. As an simple individual, i must encourage other people to eat vegetables and other healthy foods and avoid from junk foods and improper intake of food.

      This are some tips that can be used or apply into our everyday life. And to encourage other people to join such an activity that leads them to reach their goals and gain some confidence and to became a productive individual also. Lack of nutrition can lead you to have a disease so we must do some proper exercises and check the food that we taken everyday if it is healthy to us or not. Always join to an activity that gave us new knowledge and  apply this knowledge to our everyday life that can help us to be a productive individual to our community.

Huwebes, Hulyo 12, 2018


Dear President,
      One of the main problems of our country is drugs.It is the main reason why people get killed,people get arrested,people get rich,so many lives are wasted because of drugs and they use drugs for business purposes.So, what is the main reason why people use drugs?
        There are so many reason, one of the reason is for there own happiness sometimes,people use drugs to escape there problems,people use drugs if they are sad so that they can be hyper or make them-selves happy. Second reason is they use it for business purposes .They sell drugs because of poverty and they sell this items to make money for there primary needs. Last but not the least is the lack of attention from parents or beloved ones.

         Being a student, I suggest Mr. President to give an attention and give a solution for this particular problem. Please stop killing drug addicts and give a importance to there rights and this people that involved to drugs is just have to go to the rehabilitation area because all people have chances to make them-selves better.

 Sincerely yours,
 Jay Lord


Huwebes, Hulyo 5, 2018

Philippine Independence

              Independence Day is a day when we Filipinos strive for our freedom and rights from the Spaniards .One of the significant  date in the Philippine history is Independence day because it marks  our Independence from the Spanish rule on June 12 1898.On June 12 1898,  declaired that the Philippines is free from  the Spaniards.Why do people celebrate Philippine independence ?

              We celebrate Philippine Independence to remember the sacrifices and heroism of our ancestors in time of war. We Filipinos controlled by the Spaniards  and they treated us  like slave,stupid or boob and low level class of people. We Filipinos are coward on those times because some are fear from death .But not all Filipinos are coward cause we all know the heroism of our  national heroes like Dr. Jose Rizal, he used his wisdom  and intellectual skill about writing.He wrote a novel titled "Noli Me Tangere" and this novel give some inspiration to other Filipinos to encourage and be brave to strive or reach  our willingness to get our freedom. All Filipinos became a hero on their on way. All Filipinos became united,also collided and had a confidence that they will win in that fight. They help each other to drive away the Spaniards from our own country.

               We celebrate Independence because of that and no one can remove our Philippine Independence in the history. So we must remember the sacrifices of our ancestors that they gave their own life to reach our freedom. June 12,is a holiday for all Filipinos so we shall not forget this day. We Filipinos must continue on giving importance to our Philippine  Independence.We must celebrate it with unity, love and freedom to express our own feelings about our Independence. Influence the youth to have a knowledge about Philippine Independence so that they will continue to inspire others and give inspiration for the next generation.


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